Смотреть что такое "sœnskr" в других словарях:
conscript — 1. noun /ˈkɒnskrɪpt,ˈkɑnskrIpt,kənˈskrɪpt/ One who is compulsorily enrolled, often into a military service; a draftee. The soldier was a conscript. 2. adjective /ˈkɒnskrɪpt,ˈkɑnskrIpt,kənˈskrɪpt/ Drafted. 3 … Wiktionary
conscript — conscripts, conscripting, conscripted (The noun is pronounced [[t]kɒ̱nskrɪpt[/t]]. The verb is pronounced [[t]kənskrɪ̱pt[/t]].) 1) N COUNT A conscript is a person who has been made to join the armed forces of a country. Syn: draftee Ant:… … English dictionary
conscript — adjective /ˈkɒnskrɪpt / (say konskript) 1. enrolled or formed by conscription: a conscript soldier; a conscript army. –noun /ˈkɒnskrɪpt / (say konskript) 2. a recruit obtained by conscription. 3. Statistics a person born not only in the same year …
transcript — UK US /ˈtrænskrɪpt/ noun [C] ► a written copy of the exact words that someone said: a transcript of sth »There is a transcript of the meetings … Financial and business terms
conscript — v. (D; tr.) to conscript into (to conscript youths into the armed forces) * * * [ kɒnskrɪpt] (D;tr.) to conscript into (to conscript youths into the armed forces) … Combinatory dictionary
transcript — n. 1) an official transcript 2) (AE) a grade transcript ( a student s record ) * * * [ trænskrɪpt] an official transcript (AE) a grade transcript ( a student s record ) … Combinatory dictionary
傹 — jìng (1) ㄐㄧㄥˋ (2) 古同 竟 , 尽; 终尽。 (3) 古同 竞 。 (4) 郑码: NSKR, U: 50B9, GBK: 82FD (5) 笔画数: 13, 部首: 亻, 笔顺编号: 3241431251135 … International standard chinese characters dictionary
conscription — [[t]kənskrɪ̱pʃ(ə)n[/t]] N UNCOUNT Conscription is officially making people in a particular country join the armed forces. All adult males will be liable for conscription. Syn: the draft … English dictionary
inscription — [[t]ɪnskrɪ̱pʃ(ə)n[/t]] inscriptions 1) N COUNT An inscription is writing carved into something made of stone or metal, for example a gravestone or medal. Above its doors was a Latin inscription: Non omnia possumus omnes... The silver medal bears… … English dictionary
Sanskrit — [[t]sæ̱nskrɪt[/t]] N UNCOUNT Sanskrit is an ancient language which used to be spoken in India and is now used only in religious writings and ceremonies … English dictionary
transcript — [[t]træ̱nskrɪpt[/t]] transcripts N COUNT: oft N of n A transcript of a conversation or speech is a written text of it, based on a recording or notes. They wouldn t let me have a transcript of the interview … English dictionary